Encountering the Chakras Anew: 3-Part Mini Intensive Training for Awakening & Healing the Chakras in New Dimensions

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Encountering the Chakras Anew: 3-Part Mini Intensive Training for Awakening & Healing the Chakras in New Dimensions is designed for leveling up both the beginner and more advanced chakra knowledge for awareness, healing, and more.

Two Training Intensive Sessions...

Awakening The Chakras Anew: New Fundamentals for Healing, Wholeness & More

Listen to Soundbite...

Awakening the Chakras Anew: Intro of The Basic Fundamentals (Soundbite) - YouTube

Healing the Chakras Anew: The Basics of Consciously Awakening & Activating Your 3 Dimensional Wholeness Factor

Listen to Soundbites...

Healing The Chakras Anew Mini-Intensive Intro Preview - YouTube

Healing the Chakras Anew: Accelerating, Anchoring & Activating Your Process (Soundbite) - YouTube

Session 1...

Awakening The Chakras Anew: New Fundamentals for Healing, Wholeness & More with Multi-Dimensional Chakra Decoder & New Ascended Anatomy Authority, AliNICOLE WOW & Chief Chakra Consciousness Awakener, Brenda Jacobson

Core Objective...

Provide the new fundamentals to start the new awakening encounter with your chakras. This experience includes processes that connect you to deeper self-awareness and unification for you and your chakras and understanding them in a more profound way and their importance in your life.

You will be taken through a guided process to awaken another dimension of the chakras for healing, wholeness, and higher spiritual connection to access the greater realizations and revelations that lead to your external manifestations to transform your life anew.  

Session 2...

Healing the Chakras Anew: The Basics of Consciously Awakening & Activating Your 3 Dimensional Wholeness Factor with Multi-Dimensional Chakra Decoder & New Ascended Anatomy Authority, AliNICOLE WOW & Chief Chakra Consciousness Awakener, Brenda Jacobson

Core Objective...

This is session is broken up into a two-part conversational training mini-intensive that is designed to enhance the healing journey of those who are already familiar with the basic chakra system and energy body's functionalities and those who have also experienced other formats of our trainings around the 3D Chakra Awakening.

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3-Part Mini Intensive Training for Awakening & Healing the Chakras in New Dimensions is designed for leveling up both the beginner and more advanced chakra knowledge for awareness, healing, and more.

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Encountering the Chakras Anew: 3-Part Mini Intensive Training for Awakening & Healing the Chakras in New Dimensions

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