Immersion Into Awakening the Chakras Anew: 3 Phase Intensive

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Immersion Into Awakening the Chakras Anew: 3 Phase Intensive

Regular $997 on Special for $497

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Immersion Into the Chakras Anew 3-Phase Intensive Preview Intro - YouTube


  • Taking Subtle & Gentle Deep Dive Into New Dimensions of the Chakras
  • Consciously Connecting to the Chakras to Awaken a New You!
  • Establishing a New Relationship with Your Chakras
  • Listening to & Hearing the VOICE of Your Chakras
  • Integration Mastery for Maximizing Your Chakras Messages  

There will be three phases of this experience with a short break in between each phase.

Phase 1: Awakening a New Foundation to Activate a New Energy Body with the first three chakras


Root Chakra: Immersion Into New Levels of Self-Security

Sacral Chakra: Immersion Into the New Sacred-Self

Solar Plexus: Immersion Into New Levels of a New Self-Identity 

Phase 2: Awakening New Levels Self-Awareness & Self-Anchoring with the next three chakras


Heart Chakra: Immersion Into New Levels of Self-Love & Self Compassion

Throat Chakra: Immersion Into New Levels of Self-Expression

Brow Chakra/Third Eye Chakra: Immersion Into a New Intuitive Self

Phase 3: Awakening to Your Newly Illuminated Divine Self with the higher Ascension Chakras


Crown Chakra: Immersion Into New Dimensions of Spiritual Enlightenment & Divinity

An Intro Breathing Exercise for Ascending & Awakening to New Awareness of Your Higher Luminous Self with the Eighth & Ninth Chakra 

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Immersion Into Awakening the Chakras Anew: 3 Phase Intensive with 3 Mp4s

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Immersion Into Awakening the Chakras Anew: 3 Phase Intensive

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