The Empathic Entrepreneurial Enhancer Master Course Bundle

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The Empathic Entrepreneurial Enhancer with AliNICOLE WOW! & Brenda Lynn Jacobson

Do you have a hard time charging for your help? If so, you might be an empath, and you can't run a business that way.


Get this rare set of 6 conversational trainings that speak directly to empathic-preneurs about how your unique gifts can be harnessed for business success.

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: These core areas and more

  • High vibrationally aligned marketing for highly sensitive influencers
  • Intentional high-vibrational speaking for highly sensitive influencers
  • High vibrational living for empathic influencers
  • Awaken to your digital media greatness as an empathic-preneur
  • How to strike back in the business world as an empowered empathic entrepreneur

Who Would Benefit

  • Chronic People Helpers
  • Entrepreneurs Who Feel 'Tuned-In' to Bigger Things
  • Entrepreneurs Who Know They Are Empaths
  • Empaths Who Want Bigger Impact and More Profits
  • Anyone Who Wants to be More Present and Connected With Their Business and Other Parts of Life

Course Modules

Here's a better breakdown of what you'll be learning inside this masterclass bundle.

Course 1

Highly Sensitive to High Vibrational Empathic-preneurs

Empaths have unique superpowers that come with their high sensitivity. Learn how to start leveraging them in order to level up for bigger opportunities.

Course 2

Intentional High Vibrational Speaking for Highly Sensitive Influencers

A companion training to Highly Sensitive to High Vibrational Empathic-preneurs. Learn about the importance of evolving and sharing your message with your business market and the world, and how your high sensitivity plays a critical role in the process.

Course 3

High Vibrationally Aligned Marketing for Highly Sensitive Influencers

Learn three key high-vibrationally aligned practices that highly sensitive influencers should be leveraging in their business, particularly in their marketing agenda.

Course 4

High Vibrational Living for Empathic Influencers

Three high-vibrational livelihood practices go well beyond business and into how empaths can approach life as a whole for greater success and fulfillment.

Course 5

Your Empathic Empire Expression Strikes Back

Learn why it's time to embrace your empathic abilities and step into empathic leadership to shape your legacy and make a greater impact in the world.

Course 6

Awakened & Anchored In Digital Media for Success As an Empathic-preneur

A strong sense of empathy - the ability to share the feelings of others  - can be both a blessing and a curse in business. This training will help empaths begin to find their place in the digital space.

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A rare set of 6 conversational trainings that speak directly to empathic-preneurs about how your unique gifts can be harnessed for business success.

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The Empathic Entrepreneurial Enhancer Master Course Bundle

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